Online dBm to mW conversion calculator

dBm to mW conversion calculator

Enter the amount of power in mW in the range 0 to 20000. Or the amount of power in dBm from -100 to 100.

Amount of power in mW Result in dBm
Amount in dBm Result in mW

Convert inches (us) to mm

Online converter to calculate inches (us) to mm, also calculate a volume in inches3, in mm3

" x " x " = 0 mm x 0 mm x 0 mm;     V = 0 in3     V = 0 mm3

Wavelength Calculator of εR

Enter the frequency F in GHz and the dielectric constant εR

F (GHz) = εR =

λ = 0      λ/2 = 0      λ/4 = 0

Reactance Calculator

Inductive Reactance Calculator

Enter the frequency F in GHz and the value of inductance L in nH

XL = 2π * F * L

F (GHz) = L (nH) =

XL(Ω) = 0

Enter the frequency F in GHz and reactance value XL in ohms

L = XL / (2π * F)

XL(Ω) = F (GHz) =

L (nH) = 0

Enter the frequency F in GHz and the inductance value of C in pF

XC = 1000 / (2π * F * C)

С (pF) = F (GHz) =

XC(Ω)= 0

Enter the frequency F in GHz and reactance value XС in ohms

XC = 1000 / (2π * F * C)

XC(Ω) = F (GHz) =

С (pF) = 0

Attenuators Calculator

Tee Attenuator Calculator

Enter the attenuation in dB and the resistance value Z0 in ohms

R1 = Z0 * ((10 ^ (dB / 20) - 1) / (10 ^ (dB / 20) + 1))

R2 = 2 * Z0 * (10 ^ (dB / 20) / (10 ^ (dB / 10) - 1))

dB = Z0(Ω) =

R1(Ω) = 0      R2(Ω) = 0

Pi Attenuator Calculator

Enter the attenuation in dB and the resistance value Z0 in ohms

R1 = Z0 * ((10 ^ (dB / 20) + 1) / (10 ^ (dB / 20) - 1))

R2 = (Z0/2) * (10 ^ (dB / 10) - 1) / (10 ^ (dB / 20))

dB = Z0(Ω) =

R1(Ω) = 0      R2(Ω) = 0

Bridged Tee Attenuator Calculator

Enter the attenuation in dB and the resistance value Z0 in ohms

R1 = Z0 * (10 ^ (dB / 20) - 1)

R2 = Z0 / (10 ^ (dB / 20) - 1)

dB = Z0(Ω) =

R1(Ω) = 0      R2(Ω) = 0

Reflection Attenuator Calculator

Enter the attenuation in dB and the resistance value Z0 in ohms

R1 = Z0 * ((10 ^ (dB / 20) - 1) / (10 ^ (dB / 20) + 1)) for R1 < Zo

R1 = Z0 * ((10 ^ (dB / 20) + 1) / (10 ^ (dB / 20) - 1)) for R1 > Zo

dB = Z0(Ω) =

R1 < Z0(Ω) = 0      R2 > Z0(Ω) = 0

Balanced Attenuator Calculator

Enter the attenuation in dB and the resistance value Z0 in ohms

R1 = Z0 * (1 / (10 ^ (dB / 20) - 1) )

dB = Z0(Ω) =

R1(Ω) = 0
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