Reactance Calculator

Inductive Reactance Calculator

Enter the frequency F in GHz and the value of inductance L in nH

XL = 2π * F * L

F (GHz) = L (nH) =

XL(Ω) = 0

Enter the frequency F in GHz and reactance value XL in ohms

L = XL / (2π * F)

XL(Ω) = F (GHz) =

L (nH) = 0

Enter the frequency F in GHz and the inductance value of C in pF

XC = 1000 / (2π * F * C)

С (pF) = F (GHz) =

XC(Ω)= 0

Enter the frequency F in GHz and reactance value XС in ohms

XC = 1000 / (2π * F * C)

XC(Ω) = F (GHz) =

С (pF) = 0
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